Sunday, August 1, 2010

mel gibson is not rasisst!

wusup ya'll i know many of you have had a big problem with mel gibson's calls to his wife "you look like a fucking pig in heat", "you fucking cheap whore put on something better or you'll get raped by a pack of niggers" even though he isn't drunk and said the N word this does not make him a racist. anyway i started thinking man that's messed up until i was at my buddy james's house and flipped to TNT

what came up?
BRAVEHEART only the best movie ever made by anyone ever in the history of man kind mel gibson kicked so much ass I won't shit for weeks james and i could not stop watching we laughed, we wept, we shared a moment during the credits all of you if you haven't seen it and are debating between 4 hour epics of ghandi or braveheart pick braveheart FUCK ghandi that movie blows humongous bungholes and reza is a homopants

1 comment:

  1. Where do I comment? right here! Reza is a homopants and Braveheart is the best movie ever. But I think you are homo for James.
